Special thanks to Alexander Mankevich, Forensic Scientist Advanced, who has provided assistance in making this interactive tool for the CBD-IAI website.
The Chesapeake Bay Division of the International Association for Identification is proud to present ACE-V Methodology.
Each phase of the ACE-V Methodology is presented with:
Make sure to pay attention to the blue terminologies as it will guide you to more information.
Begin by clicking on the "Start ACE-V Methodology" button below.
The Chesapeake Bay Division of the International Association for Identification is proud to present ACE-V Methodology.
Each phase of the ACE-V Methodology is presented with:
- Procedural Steps
- Scientific Method / Daubert Applications
- Additional Insights
Make sure to pay attention to the blue terminologies as it will guide you to more information.
Begin by clicking on the "Start ACE-V Methodology" button below.
DISCLAIMER: The content presented in this program does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions and position, nor necessarily reflects an endorsement, of the Chesapeake Bay Division of the International Association for Identification.
Copyright© 2010 Chesapeake Bay Division - International Association for Identification (IAI)