Recording Verification
SWGFAST 'Quality Assurance Guidelines for Latent Print Examiners' suggests procedures which must be in place to ensure the accuracy and completeness of documentation. Part 6 - Case Work Documentation and Report Writing ; Section 6.1 Case Work Documentation states:
"Verification of all individualizations must be documented".
The latent print impression on the latent lift card, or on the photograph/image, may be initialed and dated by the Verifying Examiner. These markings are placed next to the Primary Examiner's markings.
A 'sticker' or a designated location on a worknote page within the case file may be created to be also marked by the Verifying Examiner to demonstrate that he/she is in agreement with the Primary Examiner's finding.
"Verification of all individualizations must be documented".
The latent print impression on the latent lift card, or on the photograph/image, may be initialed and dated by the Verifying Examiner. These markings are placed next to the Primary Examiner's markings.
A 'sticker' or a designated location on a worknote page within the case file may be created to be also marked by the Verifying Examiner to demonstrate that he/she is in agreement with the Primary Examiner's finding.