Richard A. Taylor Message |
January 07, 1990
By the time you read this we will be well into the New Year but just entering a new decade. Let us enter both with a renewed dedication to professional pride and personal integrity.
We have a solid foundation on which to build, several new members as a result of last year's concentrated efforts and now we have a chance to become more actively involved.
Make an effort to attend educational conferences of the Chesapeake Bay Division and share your experiences, information and fellowship. Write or call your Officers, Board of Directors or Committee Members - we are here to serve in your best interests and readily welcome your input and suggestions.
Inform your co-workers and friends of our meetings and various topics on the agendas that may be of interest to them. Encourage an active participation in our efforts to inform and educate not only ourselves but the scientific community as a whole.
Please register for the Spring Meeting, May 4th. & 5th. at the Richmond Marriott, as early as possible to facilitate our final planning commitments. Also, mark the 5th. & 6th. of October on your calendar. Our Fall Meeting will be held that weekend at the Roanoke Marriott. Monday, the 8th. will be a Holiday for many of our members and this extra day should make attendance and travel plans a little easier on all.
July 02, 1990
The last few months have brought about some changes in the structure and management of the Chesapeake Bay Division's current operations. We will be distributing a new and revised membership application form, attendees at the twice-yearly Division Meetings will receive a certificate to that effect, publication of the Chesapeake Examiner is now handled by a printing business with all the costs attendant upon such a venture, and we have had to appoint and attempt to create a new governing board to oversee the operations of the Crime Scene Certification program.
Because of very limited time constraints and a June 23rd. deadline, I have appointed Charles M. Pruitt - Division of Forensic Science - Richmond, VA. to the position of Chairman of the Crime Scene Certification program. Ben Wilson - 1st. Vice-President - has agreed to re-appoint Chuck for a full term, next year, and he will also be soliciting names of anyone interested in serving on the Board in the future. The committee will be structured along the same lines as the Latent Print Certification Committee with three members total.
Please be thinking of nominations for the various Offices and Committees and make your wishes known before the Elections on Saturday afternoon, October 6th. The Nominating Committee will announce their whereabouts if you wish to speak with the members before the elections.
Our membership has started another upward push because of the mandatory requirement that Crime Scene Search Certification applicants be members of the International Association or a State Division. Our membership had just topped four hundred when this program was instituted, and we are well above that figure now.
Lastly, I wish to thank all the members of the Division who have put forth the extra efforts which have helped and aided me this year. Many may not realize the time and sacrifices that go into the smooth functioning of the Division but, for those that do and rendered that much appreciated aid - thank you.
By the time you read this we will be well into the New Year but just entering a new decade. Let us enter both with a renewed dedication to professional pride and personal integrity.
We have a solid foundation on which to build, several new members as a result of last year's concentrated efforts and now we have a chance to become more actively involved.
Make an effort to attend educational conferences of the Chesapeake Bay Division and share your experiences, information and fellowship. Write or call your Officers, Board of Directors or Committee Members - we are here to serve in your best interests and readily welcome your input and suggestions.
Inform your co-workers and friends of our meetings and various topics on the agendas that may be of interest to them. Encourage an active participation in our efforts to inform and educate not only ourselves but the scientific community as a whole.
Please register for the Spring Meeting, May 4th. & 5th. at the Richmond Marriott, as early as possible to facilitate our final planning commitments. Also, mark the 5th. & 6th. of October on your calendar. Our Fall Meeting will be held that weekend at the Roanoke Marriott. Monday, the 8th. will be a Holiday for many of our members and this extra day should make attendance and travel plans a little easier on all.
July 02, 1990
The last few months have brought about some changes in the structure and management of the Chesapeake Bay Division's current operations. We will be distributing a new and revised membership application form, attendees at the twice-yearly Division Meetings will receive a certificate to that effect, publication of the Chesapeake Examiner is now handled by a printing business with all the costs attendant upon such a venture, and we have had to appoint and attempt to create a new governing board to oversee the operations of the Crime Scene Certification program.
Because of very limited time constraints and a June 23rd. deadline, I have appointed Charles M. Pruitt - Division of Forensic Science - Richmond, VA. to the position of Chairman of the Crime Scene Certification program. Ben Wilson - 1st. Vice-President - has agreed to re-appoint Chuck for a full term, next year, and he will also be soliciting names of anyone interested in serving on the Board in the future. The committee will be structured along the same lines as the Latent Print Certification Committee with three members total.
Please be thinking of nominations for the various Offices and Committees and make your wishes known before the Elections on Saturday afternoon, October 6th. The Nominating Committee will announce their whereabouts if you wish to speak with the members before the elections.
Our membership has started another upward push because of the mandatory requirement that Crime Scene Search Certification applicants be members of the International Association or a State Division. Our membership had just topped four hundred when this program was instituted, and we are well above that figure now.
Lastly, I wish to thank all the members of the Division who have put forth the extra efforts which have helped and aided me this year. Many may not realize the time and sacrifices that go into the smooth functioning of the Division but, for those that do and rendered that much appreciated aid - thank you.