Sandy J. McKay Message |
August 03, 2008
Greetings CBDIAI Members and Associates,
It is my hope that this message finds all of you in good health and enjoying the Summer/Fall 2008 season. The weather here in West Virginia is much like it was during the Spring Conference, comfortable temperatures and just enough precipitation to make the scenery absolutely beautiful. For those of you who weren’t able to join us in Morgantown, you missed a great educational and social opportunity and the largest turnout for a CBDIAI Conference ever, over 310 attendees. I trust the instructional information provided proved to be beneficial to all who attended. Special thanks to WVU for providing their laboratory classrooms for our workshops, to the FBI for providing transportation to and from WVU, and to all who rendered assistance and supported me during this event.
We showcased 15 vendors and their products during breaks and enjoyed social gatherings sponsored by the vendors. Thanks to all of the vendors, CBD conferences would not be as successful as they are without the support of our vendors! I’d like to offer a special acknowledgement of appreciation to Motorola and representatives, Frank Sangiorgi and Clarence Phillips, for the awesome ‘Cocktails and Hors D’oevres’ reception held on Friday afternoon during the Photo Contest judging. What an event! Congratulations to our Photo Contest winners and thanks again to Motorola.
Lynn Slaughter, Jeff Carlyle and members of the Fund Raising Committee hosted a Golf Tournament prior to the Conference and other events during the conference. Thanks to all who participated and especially to those who sponsored holes during the golf event.
The 93rd annual IAI Educational Conference will be held in Louisville, KY., August 17 - 23, 2008 at the Kentucky International Convention Center. In the past the CBD has always been well represented at the International Conference and this year will be no different. Members of the CBD are lecturing and presenting workshops during the entire conference. If you can make it, set your sites on Louisville in August and I’ll see you there.
It’s difficult to believe that the Fall Conference is just around the corner. It promises to be filled with great speakers discussing new and innovative techniques in the forensic field, participation by committee members, poster presentations and a few surprises. Frank Curran is planning an outstanding Speaker and Workshop program and Ted Robinson is coordinating with vendors to display their products. The CBDIAI Officers and Committee members work long and hard to ensure CBD conferences offer our members topnotch education and training. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your assistance and contributions during my year as President.
The setting couldn’t be more perfect, visiting the beach in the fall for an Educational Conference at the Clarion Fountainbleu Hotel and Resort in Ocean City, MD., November 7 - 8, 2008. Safe travels and hope to see you all there. May God Bless.
Sandy J. McKay
December 19, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I’m humbled and honored to have been installed as the President of this prestigious organization. I am very proud to be a member of the Chesapeake Bay Division of the International Association for Identification. I feel this is the greatest organization within the forensic disciplines to be involved in. Members of this division are some of the most knowledgeable in the country, if not in the world. We are fortunate that within this division we have the forensic knowledge base to educate anywhere in the world, and many of us do. We have a fantastic vendor following that supports our division and we them. You should all be full of pride for the work this division as a whole contributes to the law enforcement community. Personally, I thank you!
I appreciate all the help afforded to me by the IAI members and hope I can reciprocate. I’d like to give special Thank You’s to my fellow Executive Officers and Committee Members for contributing to making the York, PA conference a success; to our esteemed Board of Directors for their continued division management and to our Past Presidents for the knowledge and wisdom they share with the current governing body from valuable lessons learned in the past. Thank you all.
Congratulations to long time CBD member Steve Meagher who was honored at the Fall Conference with the Lillian U. Jenkins Special Achievement Award and for receiving the John A. Dondero Memorial Award this past summer at the International Conference in San Diego. Way to go, Steve!
This year I hope to live up to the bar that those Presidents before me have set by choosing locations for my conferences that appeal to our membership and offering great educational opportunities for all attending. My Spring Conference will be at the Waterfront Place Hotel in Morgantown, WV April 18-19, 2008. A little later than usual for our spring conference, but hopefully the West Virginia weather will cooperate and all of you will be able to attend. We promise to have an abundance of diverse speakers and workshops for you to take advantage of and special programs intended specifically for the student membership. Also watch the webpage, (, for details on the upcoming golf tournament tentatively scheduled for the Thursday April 17th, prior to the conference. My fall conference will be at the Clarion Fountainbleu Hotel in Ocean City, MD November 7th and 8th. Additional details will be forthcoming on the webpage and from the Publicity Committee on the 2008 Conferences.
I invite everyone to the Spring Conference to take advantage of the numerous educational opportunities that the CBD will offer in Morgantown. This year promises to be very challenging, eventful and hopefully beneficial for all involved in the CBDIAI. I wish each of you and your families ‘Happy Holidays’, best wishes and safe travels till we meet again in the Spring.
Sandy J. McKay - President
Greetings CBDIAI Members and Associates,
It is my hope that this message finds all of you in good health and enjoying the Summer/Fall 2008 season. The weather here in West Virginia is much like it was during the Spring Conference, comfortable temperatures and just enough precipitation to make the scenery absolutely beautiful. For those of you who weren’t able to join us in Morgantown, you missed a great educational and social opportunity and the largest turnout for a CBDIAI Conference ever, over 310 attendees. I trust the instructional information provided proved to be beneficial to all who attended. Special thanks to WVU for providing their laboratory classrooms for our workshops, to the FBI for providing transportation to and from WVU, and to all who rendered assistance and supported me during this event.
We showcased 15 vendors and their products during breaks and enjoyed social gatherings sponsored by the vendors. Thanks to all of the vendors, CBD conferences would not be as successful as they are without the support of our vendors! I’d like to offer a special acknowledgement of appreciation to Motorola and representatives, Frank Sangiorgi and Clarence Phillips, for the awesome ‘Cocktails and Hors D’oevres’ reception held on Friday afternoon during the Photo Contest judging. What an event! Congratulations to our Photo Contest winners and thanks again to Motorola.
Lynn Slaughter, Jeff Carlyle and members of the Fund Raising Committee hosted a Golf Tournament prior to the Conference and other events during the conference. Thanks to all who participated and especially to those who sponsored holes during the golf event.
The 93rd annual IAI Educational Conference will be held in Louisville, KY., August 17 - 23, 2008 at the Kentucky International Convention Center. In the past the CBD has always been well represented at the International Conference and this year will be no different. Members of the CBD are lecturing and presenting workshops during the entire conference. If you can make it, set your sites on Louisville in August and I’ll see you there.
It’s difficult to believe that the Fall Conference is just around the corner. It promises to be filled with great speakers discussing new and innovative techniques in the forensic field, participation by committee members, poster presentations and a few surprises. Frank Curran is planning an outstanding Speaker and Workshop program and Ted Robinson is coordinating with vendors to display their products. The CBDIAI Officers and Committee members work long and hard to ensure CBD conferences offer our members topnotch education and training. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your assistance and contributions during my year as President.
The setting couldn’t be more perfect, visiting the beach in the fall for an Educational Conference at the Clarion Fountainbleu Hotel and Resort in Ocean City, MD., November 7 - 8, 2008. Safe travels and hope to see you all there. May God Bless.
Sandy J. McKay
December 19, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I’m humbled and honored to have been installed as the President of this prestigious organization. I am very proud to be a member of the Chesapeake Bay Division of the International Association for Identification. I feel this is the greatest organization within the forensic disciplines to be involved in. Members of this division are some of the most knowledgeable in the country, if not in the world. We are fortunate that within this division we have the forensic knowledge base to educate anywhere in the world, and many of us do. We have a fantastic vendor following that supports our division and we them. You should all be full of pride for the work this division as a whole contributes to the law enforcement community. Personally, I thank you!
I appreciate all the help afforded to me by the IAI members and hope I can reciprocate. I’d like to give special Thank You’s to my fellow Executive Officers and Committee Members for contributing to making the York, PA conference a success; to our esteemed Board of Directors for their continued division management and to our Past Presidents for the knowledge and wisdom they share with the current governing body from valuable lessons learned in the past. Thank you all.
Congratulations to long time CBD member Steve Meagher who was honored at the Fall Conference with the Lillian U. Jenkins Special Achievement Award and for receiving the John A. Dondero Memorial Award this past summer at the International Conference in San Diego. Way to go, Steve!
This year I hope to live up to the bar that those Presidents before me have set by choosing locations for my conferences that appeal to our membership and offering great educational opportunities for all attending. My Spring Conference will be at the Waterfront Place Hotel in Morgantown, WV April 18-19, 2008. A little later than usual for our spring conference, but hopefully the West Virginia weather will cooperate and all of you will be able to attend. We promise to have an abundance of diverse speakers and workshops for you to take advantage of and special programs intended specifically for the student membership. Also watch the webpage, (, for details on the upcoming golf tournament tentatively scheduled for the Thursday April 17th, prior to the conference. My fall conference will be at the Clarion Fountainbleu Hotel in Ocean City, MD November 7th and 8th. Additional details will be forthcoming on the webpage and from the Publicity Committee on the 2008 Conferences.
I invite everyone to the Spring Conference to take advantage of the numerous educational opportunities that the CBD will offer in Morgantown. This year promises to be very challenging, eventful and hopefully beneficial for all involved in the CBDIAI. I wish each of you and your families ‘Happy Holidays’, best wishes and safe travels till we meet again in the Spring.
Sandy J. McKay - President