Procedure of Application
Development Complete When
Source of Error
Storage Container
Similar Reagent
Sequential Reagent
Procedure of Application
1. a) Submerge item in reagent - 5 seconds. b) Brush solution onto item - until coated. c) Spray solution onto item - until coated. 2. Heat up to 80 degrees C & humidity exposure @ 60% - 70% relative humidity. Monitor for development, or use a steam iron. 3. Photograph the developed detail using a green-colored (Wratten #58) filter. 4. View non-Zinc chloride latent prints under a Forensic Light Source at 530 nm using no barrier filter. 5. Item may be treated with Zinc chloride (see Zinc chloride pg.) View under a Forensic Light Source at 530 nm using orange barrier filter. Development Complete When
The ridge detail becomes visible as a purple color, and the item's background begins to stain a purple color. When treated with Zinc chloride, the ridge detail turns a reddish-purple color. Source of Error
Expired working solutions may be inadequate for proper ridge detail development. Incompatibilities
Not suited for non-porous surfaces, or, for items which have been water-soaked. Surfaces that have high animal or plant protein content such as leather and currency will produce extensive background development. Precautions
The developed ridge detail dissipates slowly, so photograph any developed ridge detail deemed suitable. Some solvents (acetone) will cause the ink on documents to run. Storage Container
Dark stoppered glass bottles. Safety
Fume hood use is required for reagent preparation and application. Recommendations
The fluorescence of 5-MTN / Zinc chloride ridge detail is reportedly stronger than for DFO treated items. Similar Reagent
Sequential Reagent
Vertical Divider
Chemical Name
5-MTN Surface Used On Porous surfaces, especially paper and cardboard Sensitive To Amino Acids Components Abridged Reagent Sequence
Vertical Divider
Ridge Detail Visualized by:
Visible chemical/stain reaction Reagent Applicabilities: Porous Surfaces Other Chemical Name(s): 5-Methylthioninhydrin Working Solution Shelf-life: Twelve (12) months |
Process Summary:
A reagent for processing paper evidence that is similar to ninhydrin, also developing purple colored ridge detail. Reportedly, this reagent's purple color is stronger than is ninhydrin's Ruhemann's purple. 5-MTN latent prints post-treated with Zinc chloride become more fluorescent than DFO's luminescence.
A reagent for processing paper evidence that is similar to ninhydrin, also developing purple colored ridge detail. Reportedly, this reagent's purple color is stronger than is ninhydrin's Ruhemann's purple. 5-MTN latent prints post-treated with Zinc chloride become more fluorescent than DFO's luminescence.
Accepted Deviations:
Ohter alcohol solvents can be used.
Ohter alcohol solvents can be used.